Military Tax Breaks
Are you working someplace where it’s too hot or too cold, the food isn’t very good, you couldn’t bring your family with you, and there’s always loud noises going on when you’re trying to sleep? Or maybe your spouse just quit another fantastic job because you got transferred again, and your kids just got enrolled in their third elementary school? Does your boss scowl at your work clothes and critique your shoeshine? If so, chances are good you’re serving in the military.
It’s a flat out fact the nation would go bankrupt if they paid you what your service is actually worth. There isn’t enough money for it in the treasury. There are, however, some military benefits buried in the Internal Revenue Code. You just have to know how to find them and use them. That’s where I come in.
My DD-214 says I was active duty Navy for 23 years 8 month and 18 days. After that I worked as a civilian employee of the Army and the Coast Guard. My grandfather was in the Army, my uncle was in the Air Force, and my son is a Marine-turned-Army flight medic. I walked behind the caisson carrying my friend’s flag-draped coffin to his final resting place at Arlington National Cemetery, so I will always stand and uncover when Old Glory is being presented. Some things just get in your blood.
I study taxes, and I want to ensure military families get every tax break for which they qualify. Military personnel often get access to free tax preparation software, and many prepare and file their own tax returns. I’ve got no problem with that, just be sure you are taking advantage of all your tax benefits. Below is a collection of articles I have written specifically about military tax breaks. Feel free to reference them to be sure you are paying the lowest possible tax bill every year. If you have any questions, contact me.